Customer Testimonials


Strategic Benefits


Customer Focus


What our clients think...

We work for a wide range of small to medium businesses, some with multiple locations and several 100 users. We service many different industries.

15+ Person Property Management Firm
"We went to Turnkey as our outsourced Business Technology provider.  Their Business Technology Department model has been heaven sent.  For novice users that can't afford in-house IT staff, the benefit of having Turnkey is priceless. We can really rely on them.  They manage the entire project life cycle, provide on-going support and meet with us on a regular basis. They have been there for us."  - The Controller

50+ Person Construction Management Firm
"We don't have to worry about technology anymore.  Turnkey's Building Centric model ensures a prompt response and personalized care. Economically, it's a no-brainer.  Their presence in our building eliminates costly travel time. Their pricing makes sense and the solutions offered are enormously effective." - The Treasurer

400+ Person Construction Management Firm
"Turnkey Computer Systems has helped us realize our market share. Their business technology solutions have put us on the fast track and made it possible for us to move towards being a construction leader.  They heard us and responded magnificently.  Our network and Remote Access Solution gives us the flexibility we need.  Now we are able to access data anywhere at anytime." - The Vice President

100+ Person Mechanical Engineering Firm
"Turnkey has allowed us to concentrate on our core business. They took the worry out of technology and now we have the right systems at the right price.  Their training program has increased our computer knowledge.  I now have a staff that understands technology better and how to best use it. They really are Solution Providers." - The Treasurer

10+ Person Door-to-Door Sampling Company
"With Turnkey, I now feel like I have a whole IT staff at my disposal, I call their Service Desk and I know my problem is going to get fixed.  They are friendly, always professional and incredibly helpful." - The Sales Service Manager

3 Person Web Design Company
"As a consultant, I can't afford downtime. Both my computer and I have to be reliable at all times, whether I'm working from my office or at a client's site.  Turnkey serves a business like mine as if I were a Fortune 100 company." - The President


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